Inter-generational Bonding Through Fused Glass Art
June 29, 2017
Lots of fun with this 6 sessions of pioneering Inter-generational Bonding Programme through Fused Glass Art.
Art pupils from Duman High School work with the seniors at St Hilda's Community Service Centre to create amazing Functional Glass Art.
Glass Art not only created the opportunity to bridge the gap between the young and the seniors, but also sparked up the fire for unique artistic creations. Programme is funded by the WeCareFund, a collaboration between the National Arts Council and the People’s Association.
Gallery Pictures from Session 1 - Making a Glass Coaster. Basic Skills
Gallery Pictures from Session 2 - Glass Jewellery Making. Basic Skills
Gallery Pictures from Session 3 - Mosaic Glass Plate Making
Gallery Pictures from Session 4 - Focus on Design on Glass Plate Making
Gallery Pictures from Session 5 - Working Small. Making a pair of exquisite glass coaster
Glass Artworks with a Social Purpose
July 08, 2015
Since 2015, Goodman Glass Studio has been the partner of KPMG for a corporate social initiative called KPMG Cares. This initiative seeks to provide gainful employment for disadvantaged and handicapped people. This is in the form of sponsorship of the training required to produce quality glassworks. KPMG sells the glass works to their corporate clients.